Thursday, June 7, 2012


While scare tactics had been used in political campaigns throughout history, the intensity of this ad in particular caused many critics to scratch their heads in wonder.  If Lyndon B. Johnson wished to state his national defense plan, he could have simply stated that he was willing to do anything to protect all citizens; especially those as young as the child portrayed here.  However, he chose to attempt to trick American citizens into believing that if they were not diligent in voting for him in the November election, a slippery slope of occurrences would begin, and American children would be endangered.

Knowing his audience, LBJ was aware that this scare tactic would work, as no one wishes for their children to be put in the realm of danger.  His use of pathos allowed this commercial to work.  While it would likely be neither proper nor practical in the modern election, it is a great example of how politicians are able to manipulate their audiences.  Without the proper knowledge and use of rhetorical appeals, politicians would not be able to climb the corporate ladder as well as they do.  The analysis skills they have gained are inspirational to those who wish to learn how to rhetorically analyze pieces of literature.  Johnson’s careful combination of rhetorical appeals as well as visual rhetoric allowed his crazy commercial to influence many voters.

Thankfully, more people are now able to recognize many of the superfluous tactics which politicians use, and are able to dodge the manipulative tactics.  While politicians are still able to talk their audience into believing anything they say, most listen more intently to what is being said.

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